Middle East & Africa Project Controls Sustainability Project of the Year

What the judges are looking for

The judges are looking for projects and organisations that go beyond greenwashing and point solutions. Submissions that demonstrate how they have integrated the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) agenda in designing futures, collaborating to reduce and sustain the long term impact on the environment and how they have built & brought communities, existing and new, along the journey so they are not shut out as a result of regeneration and growth.

Sustainability is about creating better assets, better places and better communities - in combination they then create great economic and environmentally sustainable futures. 

Each of the criteria is scored between 0 (no evidence at all) and 10 (perfect evidence) with each section being weighted accordingly (see %).

Saving your application:
It is possible to save the content of your entry by scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking on “SAVE”. This will give you a personal ID number that can be used to return to the site and continue your application at a later date.
Submitting your application:
You will be required to enter all of the fields before being able to submit your form once the “Submit” button is used, the form cannot be edited and the ID number will no longer be valid.

IMPORTANT: Please note that each section has a specific maximum number of words - however it is not compulsory to use the suggested maximum word count. Also, bear in mind that all items with an asterisk are mandatory.

Entry Form

Details of the joint partner for this entry
Company Name
First Name
Last Name
Preferred Email

Embedding of principles: Up to 500 words

Evidence how the quality of your design in embedding ESG principles in both the build and or operationalisation of an asset, a project or a programme

Words Left:

Implementation: Up to 500 words

Evidence how the transition of the design in to practical implementation in the real world.

Words Left:

Influence: Up to 500 words

Evidence how you influenced the supply chain and customers to align with your organisations/projects ESG values to ensure the end to end and whole life footprint of your project has been considered 

Words Left:

Confirm which specific controls and governance were put in place to support and sustain your ESG values and priorities - especially complex ones.

Up to 300 words

Words Left:
LEGACY (20%)

Evidence how your commitment to sustainable ESG delivery has positively influenced and inspired others, internally and externally, to follow suit.

Up to 200 words

Words Left:

Describe what impact has the ESG behaviours and outcomes had across your ecosystem of operation.

Up to 200 words

Words Left:

Describe why should this entry be considered for an award: Up to 100 words

Words Left:

Please ensure to attach the following collaterals, which are compulsory for submitting your application.

Note: The below collaterals will not be used as part of the judging process. But instead, as part of the AV on Awards’ night, should your entry be shortlisted.

Also, please ensure that the file names for the logo and image are different from each other

There will be no discussions or interviews with applicants of the awards' submissions.

Each written submission and documents are reviewed by a team of independent, professional, industry judges who will not confer on entries. Their decisions are final. Please note our terms and conditions document on https://projectcontrolexpo.com/dubai/awards

From 25th May 2018 it became essential for organisations to be GDPR compliant. On the Awards web submission form there is a check box to allow your submitted data to be used for the awards judging process. Please ensure the box is checked for your submission to be valid.

Project Controls Expo is a not-for-profit event dedicated to project controls..