North America & Canada Project Controls in Government Service Excellence of the Year

NOTE: Entry to this category is dependent upon the project, program or portfolio having been funded by Government.

What the judges are looking for

Judges are looking for ways in which Government funded projects, programs or portfolios, utilizing Project Controls to deliver, have provided clear evidence of service excellence, social impact and sustainability.

How were stakeholders engaged with throughout to provide the service excellence? How were you structured and how were your delivery strategies formulated? How is the social impact on your delivery evident? What evidence of sustainability is there from the delivery? What changes are evident because of the delivery and what measures are in place to monitor continued improvement?

Each of the criteria is scored between 0 (no evidence at all) and 10 (perfect evidence) with each section being weighted accordingly (see %).

Saving your application:
It is possible to save the content of your entry by scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking on “SAVE”. This will give you a personal ID number that can be used to return to the site and continue your application at a later date.
Submitting your application:
You will be required to enter all of the fields before being able to submit your form once the “Submit” button is used, the form cannot be edited and the ID number will no longer be valid.

IMPORTANT: Please note that each section has a specific maximum number of words - however it is not compulsory to use the suggested maximum word count. Also, bear in mind that all items with an asterisk are mandatory.

Entry Form

Details of the joint partner for this entry

Company Name

First Name

Last Name

Preferred Email


Context: Up to 250 words

  • Describe the background of the project, program or portfolio and how the need arose in terms of social impact and/or sustainability.
  • What strategies were utilized to assist the successful delivery, and why?
  • What worked, and what didn’t, on the governance of the project and has influenced its successful delivery to date?
  • What broad organizational factors outside of the project had an impact and how were they managed?

Words Left:

People: Up to 250 words

  • Outline the key stakeholders inside, and outside, the project and how you motivated and coordinated them in line with the Project Control objectives.
  • Please clarify what these objectives were.
  • Explain how you effectively managed the attitudes and relationships between other stakeholders involved.

Words Left:

Interfaces: Up to 150 words

  • Describe who worked on the social impact and sustainable elements, including multi organizational collaborations, and how they were motivated to achieve its objectives.
  • How were their relationships and attitudes managed effectively?
  • Outline any disciplines, challenges or barriers that needed to be overcome.

Words Left:

Delivery: Up to 150 words

  • Describe the methods and techniques used to effectively manage the delivery, including outputs, outcomes and any benefits.
  • How did this positively impact the ultimate delivery?
  • Was it still ultimately delivered on time, to budget and to the required standard?

Words Left:

Challenges: Up to 100 words

  • What difficulties were anticipated and/or unforeseen during your project?
  • How did the business overcome these challenges?

Words Left:

Innovation: Up to 150 words

  • What innovations were used in the way Project Controls were utilized within the delivery?
  • What tools and techniques were used to manage these innovations?
  • How can the wider profession benefit because of these innovations and what results have been seen to date?

Words Left:

Lessons learned: Up to 200 words

  • What were the key lessons learned from this innovation that have been captured and shared within your organization or wider?
  • What methods were used to document and then share these experiences internally?
  • What process has been utilized to share with wider society?

Words Left:

  • Describe the results of your delivery and any benefits to your organization.
  • How did your project successfully achieve what it set out to do?
  • Demonstrate the social impact results and benefits and how they were delivered.
  • Describe the sustainability results and benefits and how measurement will be ongoing.
  • Why was your delivery seen as a success?
  • How does the successful delivery benefit wider society?
Up to 400 words

Words Left:

Describe why should this entry be considered for an award: Up to 100 words

Words Left:


Please ensure to attach the following collaterals, which are compulsory for submitting your application.

Note: The below collaterals will not be used as part of the judging process. But instead, as part of the AV on Awards’ night, should your entry be shortlisted.

Also, please ensure that the file names for the logo and image are different from each other



There will be no discussions or interviews with applicants of the awards' submissions.

Each written submission and documents are reviewed by a team of independent, professional, industry judges who will not confer on entries. Their decisions are final. Please note our terms and conditions document on

From 25th May 2018 it became essential for organizations to be GDPR compliant. On the Awards web submission form there is a check box to allow your submitted data to be used for the awards judging process. Please ensure the box is checked for your submission to be valid.

Project Controls Expo is a not-for-profit event dedicated to project controls.