Pricing is currently £200+VAT for individual delegates.
To join EXPO for the best individual offer, register now.

Emirates Arsenal Stadium - Wednesday 14th November

We look forward to welcoming new and returning delegates in 2018. All guests and delegates will be entering through the Woolwich entrance located on the North-East side of the venue. Speakers, Sponsors and Exhibitors will be entering through the Highbury Entrance located on the West side of the stadium. There will be signage directing you on the day.

Awards Night - Tuesday 13th November

For those who have registered to attend the Awards dinner or have a sponsorship ticket. On the 13th November doors open at 6pm in the Woolwich suite which is the North-East entrance ONLY. You will register and receive your name badge to use for the next day allowing you to skip registration the day of the Expo.


Professional Bodies - UK

As a member of a professional body in the UK you are entitled to register for the Expo for FREE. You can do this by using a unique code for your professional body that can be found on site or contacting your professional body for details. This is to help develop the skills in the project controls industry and promote networking.

Project Controls Expo - Awards Night

We have had high-quality entries from a range of areas. We are delighted to announce our shortlisted finalists. You can book tickets to attend the Awards gala dinner for Tuesday 13th November. If you have already registered for expo but want to attend the Awards night too, please email us with your requirements at .


UK Project Management/ProjectControls Apprentice of the Year 2018

Charlotte Diboll - Mace

Jonathan Fenlon - National Grid

Christopher Sadler - HS2

Global Award for Project Controls Innovation 2018

ASGC for The Vision 2021 of UAE

Logikal Projects for HS2

nPlan - algorithm development

Rosatom for Nuclear Energy programme in Russia

Global Award for Project Controls in a Megaproject 2018

ARES Software for Crossrail

Logikal for Thames Tideway.

UK Project Controls Professional of the Year 2018

Clement Lefebvre - Logikal Projects

Lee McDonagh - Mace

Richard Palczynski - Crossrail

Social Projects Zone

This is an interesting addition this year. Hear direct from government representatives on their challenges in managing social projects such as NHS, Brexit, Grenfell, DWP etc. There is also be a debate between PM professionals managing capital projects and civil servants managing public/social projects. Must attend zone for this year.

Superb list of speakers at EXPO



Being a partner of Project Controls Expo allows companies to have access to a (limited) number of free tickets and discounted entry for employees and clients. Each company has their own unique code on a graphic and will have had it sent to them upon confirmation of sponsorship. Similarly, as a member of professional bodies you can gain free entry with your unique codes on our social media or contacting your own professional body, will be entering through the Highbury Entrance located on the West side of the stadium. There will be signage directing you on the day.